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Again, Welcome! I am so glad you are here!  


I am a daughter of the One True King. My complete desire is to share God's love through my experiences and my stories and I want nothing more than to be His messenger. I am a surrendering perfectionist learning all about grace. I have a passion for empowering other women to release the idea of worldly perfection so they can embrace freedom through God’s truth, love, and grace. God is constantly teaching me about this. He does this by showing me over and over that His plan is better than mine. 


My idea of the perfect life has been flipped upside down over and over again. I expected marriage and motherhood to look a certain way but it turned out to be completely different. Learning how to be married to a man on the spectrum let alone the mother to kids outside the box the world sets for them, has been something I never imagined.  God knew they needed me and that I needed them & He is constantly teaching me to depend on Him. 


In 2013 God showed me that my calling as a mama and a woman was different than I thought. "You will tell people about me." Is whatI kept hearing Him say. I didn't know how, that idea seemed so far away. We were struggling with so many messy pieces of our family life. Accepting autism into our world was hard & the anxiety I've gone through as a mom was so hard. BUT that mess & learning that I set the temperature of my home has only driven me to abide in Jesus more so that he can bring peace to my home. This has helped me find ways to nurture my spirit, mind, & body so that I can lead my children in a harmonious way. 


We are always the messiest in our safe place - our home. God has and still is teaching me so much about love, peace, & grace through motherhood, homeschooling, and just life.


My hope is that through my stories & what I've learned that you will experience MORE of Jesus & be able to experience the freedom His peace can bring to you too.



Want to learn more about ways to Nurture Yourself Well so you can walk in harmony day to day? Contact Me

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